SPECS receives BSI sponsored Safety Award


27 November 2002

The SPECS Speed Enforcement System developed by Speed Check Services Ltd has been awarded the Prince Michael International Road Safety Technology Award, sponsored by BSI. The Award is presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to improving road safety.

Speed Check's Marketing & Sales Manager, Jacqui Elliott received the award on Wednesday 27 November from Alick Whitfield, BSI's Head of Corporate Affairs at a presentation ceremony in Nottingham where the SPECS System has been on trial.

The SPECS System is the world's first automatic average speed digital speed camera system. The cameras have been deployed on two arterial routes in Nottingham since July 2000 by The Nottinghamshire Road Casualty Reduction Partnership as part of its Netting Off scheme.

Commenting on the award Jaqui Elliott said: "Speed Check is very pleased to have received this award for SPECS, and would like to thank the Nottinghamshire Road Casualty Reduction Partnership for nominating us. We are delighted with the successful outcome of the trials and are looking forward to continued success for SPECS as the system is introduced across the country."

The impact made by SPECS system in Nottingham has been dramatic. Over the last 2 years there has been a 100% reduction in fatal incidents in the SPECS zones, a 50% reduction in the number of seriously injured and a 29% reduction in the number of slight injuries*. There has also been a positive impact on Nottingham Police, with fewer resources being required to enforce the SPECS zones.

The Nottinghamshire Road Casualty Reduction Partnership found the application of SPECS Cameras so successful that the initial 6 pairs of cameras has been extended to 18 pairs over the last year. The SPECS System is now being deployed across the UK with similar successes and other potential SPECS sites are being assessed in Nottingham for the next couple of years.

Alick Whitfield said: "BSI is delighted to be associated with RoadSafe and the Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards Scheme. The Technical Award is recognition of an outstanding contribution to road safety and on behalf of the judging panel I congratulate Speed Check for innovative SPECS systems and the significant impact that it has made to accident prevention."

* Statistics supplied by Nottinghamshire Police, taken over a 2-year period

Notes for Editors

BSI has been a sponsor of the Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards for ten years.

SPECS is a unique system and the only approved automatic digital speed enforcement using average speed measurement in the UK. For more information about SPECS please click Speed Check